Thursday, February 24, 2011

Eating to Beat Stress


  If you heard about stress eating being a bad thing, think again.  If you put the right food in your body, when your nerves are noshing on your cravings, it can actually calm you dawn.  That's great news!  Because the last thing you need in your life is more stress.  Overtime stress can increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity.  The odds are that you'll go ballistic on your family when they ask, for the third time, what your doing with your time and living.  Easy to find foods can soothe stress and can counteract the damage, chronic pressure does to your body.  Stock on them so that when your tension is rising you can have a mourning mellow meal and eat instead of freak.

     Nuts like Almonds, pistachios and walnuts burst with vitamins and antioxidant that bolsters the immune system.  Which will help your body hold up during unpleasant events ( like renewing a membership a gym ).  A 1/4 cup a day is all you need.  These nuts will help keep your heart from racing When things heat up.  People experience immediate cardiovascular responses to stress because of the fight or flight response.  When stress strikes, the hormone adrenaline raises the blood pressure to boost energy, so your prepared to run like hell if you need to.  Some people seldom need to fight or flee, it's better to blunt the strain in your heart.  Eating a 1/4 cup of these nuts a day, lowers blood pressure so your heart doesn't have to work overtime.

     Avocados, Fat-Free Milk and Oatmeal are also good for that morning mellow meal that's easy to find.  If stress has you craving for a high fat, creamy treat, skip the ice creamand try some good-o- homemade guacamole.  The thick, rich texture can satisfy your craving and reduce those frantic feelings.  That green wonder has a double dutch whammy of monosaturated fat and potassium, which lowers blood pressure.So if you have high blood pressure, just a half of an avocado will help.  A glass of fat-free milk warm is a remedy that could be of some use to your body for insomnia and restlessness.  Calcium can reduce muscle spasms and soothe tension.  That good old moo juice could also reduce stressful PMS symptoms like mood swings, anxiety and irritability.  40%  of women who drink fat-free milk, lower the risk of pre-period misery than women who had no more than one serving a week.  Oatmeal, which has carbs so the brain can produce more serotonin,  the same relaxing brain chemical release when you eat dark chocolate.  the slower your body adsorbs carbs, the more steady serotonin flows.  Thick hearty oatmeal is high in fiber, few things take longer for your stomach to digest.

     These are just some things to look foward to when your feeling stressed and you wanna feed your emotions.  Forget everything you heard about stress eating being a bad thing.  Think positve!  Eating the right food could easily put back in the right move.  It's just a hop, skip and away.

If you wanna know more about food diets and healthy foods just visit here.  Thank you!

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